We welcome Dr Matthew Suen to the Toorak Medical Centre - appointments now open
Click here to provide feedback on your visit to the Toorak Medical Centre - THANK YOU
Position Available - Medical Receptionist - email your PDF resume to admin@toorakmedicalcentre.com.au
TELEHEALTH at Toorak Medical Centre
CONSULTATIONS - taking a history and establishing a plan of action IRON INFUSIONS - correct your iron deficiency the most effective way IMMUNISATIONS - Childhood NIP, Travel (including Yellow Fever/Rabies), Influenza, RSV, Shingles, Covid immunisations and more BOTULINUM A injection - for treatment of excessive sweating, migraine and teeth grinding PRESCRIPTIONS - SMS and email scripts to your phone, collection in person or sent directly to your chemist for collection OR delivery to your door INVESTIGATIONS - such as blood tests and medical imaging. On-site Influenza and Covid testing - 15minute turnaround REFERRALS - both new and repeats, with electronic delivery direct to your specialist MENTAL HEALTH CARE - assessment and treatment. Click for pre-appointment
DASS21 and
K10 assessment forms. Please complete all three forms and bring them to your appointment PSYCHOLOGY - assessment and treatment by our specialist GPs and our Clinical Psychologist CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT - Care planning and Team care facilitated by our Primary Care Nurses
You should get a flu vaccine every year. The Toorak
Medical Centre is a fully-accredited General Medical Practice, and was established at 621 Malvern Road in 1948 What benefits does accreditation have for you and your family? Your privacy is always protected Your health records will always be maintained appropriately by clinical team members The practice team undergo ongoing education and training to stay informed about current quality health care Your practice is committed to ensuring a safe environment for you The practice is understanding and responsive to cultural needs Your general practitioner and the practice team will ensure effective communication so you always know and understand everything related to your health Online Doctors' appointment booking services: Choose your own doctor , the length of your consultation, either face-to-face or by TELEHEALTH Choose STANDARD - 15 minutes consultation - for one issue, such as men's and women's health, childhood illnesses or stable conditions Choose LONG - 30 minutes consultation - for two or more ailments or for complex issues For SHORT - 7 mins or PROLONGED - over 45 mins consultations or if you are not sure what to choose, call 9826 0466 for assistance to help you choose the right appointment length for your situation If you are a NEW Patient, please complete the New Patient Registration If there are NO appointments listed online PLEASE RING 9826 0466 during business hours If you only need repeat prescriptions or referrals follow these links :
Extended opening hours - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings until 8pm, Saturday afternoon until 5pm and Sunday from 9am to 5pm
Free Undercover Parking for 90 minutes a short walk from Toorak Medical Centre
Telephone and Video Telehealth consultations are available
Make a TELEHEALTH, Face-to-Face, FLU PNEUMONIA and OTHER immunisation online now or phone 98260466
Go to appointment information
This is because the most common strains of the virus that cause the flu change every year
The vaccine is changed every year to match these strains
Two vaccinations are recommended, three months apart with the first in March, to ensure continued protection throughout the high-risk period
More information from the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance
Our new clinic (TMC2) in Mathoura Road, has a modernised environment with 14 consulting rooms, lift access to the first floor and all-ability disabled access
TMC2 has male and female GPs and a team of allied health practitioners providing a range of health services and programs
The practice provides comprehensive primary care in a friendly, traditional style, yet incorporates the latest advances in medicine and
information management
Close integration with hospitals, specialists, allied health and other health service providers is maintained, to ensure that health outcomes are optimised.
Our online services shown below are published in real-time
If an appointment time is visible , this time will definitely be available to you for booking
If NO appointments are visible, please call 9826 0466 in our business hours
Appointments, Opening Hours, Home Visits and Online Services
Florence : Intelligent Health Messaging - patient information
Organisational Profile - read all about our programs, services, Doctors and Allied Health Professionals
Submit an enquiry - using the online form
provide the highest quality medical care
provide timely service, by minimising waiting times
to offer a variety of male and female vocationally-trained GPs
to offer clinical nurses, an audiologist, osteopath, dietitian, podiatrist, physiotherapist and exercise physiologist
to offer a psychological diagnosis and management service using credentialled GP Psychologists and a Clinical Psychologist
to offer on-site pathology collection
to offer a multilingual and culturally sensitive service for all patients.
to offer a culturally sensitive service for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples
to offer translation services (TTS) and doctors speaking in Farsi, Polish, French and Chinese languages
ensure privacy of your medical information
maintain and safely store your medical record
provide registration and maintenance of your My Health Record
efficiently administer accounts,appointments, reports, results and enquiries
provide optimal service to all patients
to make your visit as pleasant as possible
provide 24 - hour care
provide home visits on a discretionary basis and through our preferred home-visiting doctor service
Toorak Medical Centre online services:
Click link to order prescriptions and referrals.
Travel Immunisation and Yellow Fever Vaccination - when you travel overseas, immunisation is needed to protect you from infectious diseases. If you are not sure what you need, please make a Travel Immunisation appointment to plan your immunisation schedule. If you already have a list of the vaccinations that you need, call 9826 0466 to make a vaccination appointment. When booking, please make sure that you tell our receptionist which vaccines that you need and we will reserve them for you
General Medical Practitioners - Our male and female doctors are vocationally trained in General Practice, having attained the FRACGP or equivalent. All doctors participate actively in continuing professional development programmes to maintain and extend their broad range of medical skills. Our GPs have specialist qualifications in shared obstetric care, children's hea;th, skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, rural medicine, emergency care, mental health care and integrative medicine.
Audiologist - Michelle Pasinati will assess your hearing and provide a thorough report for your GP or ENT specialist. Audiologic is independently owned and operated by Michelle and hence you have access to the latest and best hearing aids from all the major manufacturers
Clinical Nurse - Sr Jane and Sr Alla provide immunisations, wound-care, education and case management. Sr Jane and Sr Alla conduct our Annual Health Assessment program, which is recommended for every person from the age of 75years.
Clinical Nurse- Sr Alla Pogrebisky coordinates our Health Program, which promotes good health by helping you connect to medical services and allied health professionals. The GP Management plan and Team Care Arrangements (CDM) program, is recommended for every person who has an ongoing medical condition. Ask your doctor for more information on the CDM program
Clinical Psychologist - Dr Nikolaos Kazantzis is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Member of the Australian Psychological Society. On referral under a GP Mental Health Plan, Nik will help you by using the best psychological therapy tailerd just for you.
Pathology Service
The collection centre is open from 8:30am to 12:00 noon Monday to Friday For other collection centre locations, visit - Dorevitch Pathology Collection Centres click to visit the patient information page for details about pathology services
For all enquiries, telephone 0436 471 499 between these above hours or email TRMC.dorclinic@dorevitch.com.au
Select Toorak Suburb and the second TOORAK in the list for TMC information
Exercise physiologists - Motion Health are located at Toorak Place, Lower Ground Floor, 521 Toorak Road, Toorak. The programme is subsidised by Medicare under the CDM program obtained from your GP. The exercise physiologist uses the referral as a guide, when tailoring your personalised exercise program to help you achieve your fitness goals
Physiotherapist - Motion-Health and David Williams are our preferred physiotherapists. David provides a home visiting service
Osteopath - Dr Tanvi Chawla eases muscle, tendon and joint pain and restores wellbeing and function. You may book directly through reception as a private patient (self funded or Health Fund) or you may make a CDM appointment for funding assistance through Medicare.
Motion-Health - physiotherapy, exercise physiology and massage therapy - Motion-Health is conveniently located in the Village at Toorak Place, providing a broad range of allied health services
Practice - Our Medical Centre is located at 98-100 Mathoura Road, in the heart of the Toorak Village.
We offer a range of allied health services whom collaborate with our GPs.
Wallis Pharmacy and Toorak Village Pharmacy are within a short walking distance, both offering an instant prescription service using e-Rx and a home delivery service.
Our prescriptions use the latest e-Rx technology system which removes all dispensing errors by eliminating manual data entry
Efficient administration - Our office staff team organises appointments and ensures that you are seen by your preferred doctor or allied health professional in a timely and convenient manner. They also manage the paperwork, faxing, email, mail, accounts and telephone messaging systems
Affordability - General Practice is a cost effective method of obtaining medical care. Preventative care, immunisation programs, annual health assessments, and health maintenance strategies aim to keep you well. Our efficient coordination of allied health services, specialist referrals, investigations optimise your outcome both from a health and cost viewpoint
Feedback is welcome - We listen to your suggestions, and address your concerns and accept your thanks. We hope to keep all parties optimally satisfied, and strive to achieve this. Click this link for your convenience
Check our PRIVACY STATEMENT regarding how your medical record is protected
Privacy is very important as well as being a mandatory requirement and encompasses verbal, written and electronic data.
Whether it be names, addresses and contact details or communications with our staff or with specialists, hospitals and other external providers, your data is protected and your privacy is preserved.
The doctors at the Toorak Medical Centre believe that in order to provide the highest quality of healthcare, technology integration is essential.
The University of Melbourne provides each of our doctors with privileged access to the world-leading Future Health Today decision support tool.
On-site, using our our state-of- the-art on-site computer server, your data is encrypted and then sent anonymously to the Patron processing computer in an unidentifiable form. The data is processed and then recommendations, based on Medical Best-Practice Guidelines, are created. The recommendations are returned to our clinic where they are re-identified and made available to your Medical Record.
Click Toorak Medical Centre - University of Melbourne Privacy Statement
The survey shows how our clinic performs in key service areas with comparisons to other surveyed clnics. We use the data to improve our services to you. We look forward to your feedback, so please complete the "COMPLAINTS" form located on the waiting room table.
Click Toorak Medical Centre Benchmark Survey 2019
Find us:
Use Google Maps to get directions and a map of the Toorak Medical Centre.
Untimed all-day parking is available in Mathoura Road north-east of the railway bridge.
Undercover public carparking is accessible from Jackson Street, with the first hour free.
Carter Avenue and Jackson Street have Stonnington Council public carparks.
Disabled off-street parking is available at the front carpark of TMC2.
Parking times are closely-monitored in other roads and streets and Toorak Road has a morning and afternoon tow-away
clearway. We recommend that you use an electronic timer to prevent fines and towaways,.
Public Transport:
METROPOLITAN TRAM ROUTES < 3/3a, 5, 6, 16, 64, 67, 58, 72 > connecting with 58 (University of Melbourne to
Board tram in Swanston Street
Get off at stop 20 - Domain Interchange/St Kilda Rd (Melbourne City)
Catch Route 58 tram towards Toorak - West Coburg
Get off at stop 132 - Toorak Village/Toorak Rd (Toorak)
Walk : 20 metres to TMC2
Wheelchair accessible vehicles are used on this route 60% the time
METROPOLITAN BUS 605 ( City - Gardenvale )
Stop : Toorak Road / Grange Road
Walk : 100 metres to TMC2
Hawksburn station is in Zone 1 on the City to Frankston / Dandenong line
The Toorak Medical Centre is a 350 metre walk north on Mathoura Road
For further information including journey planner, maps and timetables, visit PTV - Public Transport Victoria
try this example
Plan journey from Federation Square to MathouraRoad / Toorak Road intersection
Map and directions for TMC2:
More Information:
If you would like us to send you further information about Toorak
Medical Centre, click on this link to the enquiry form,
visit the organisation
profile page to read more about the Toorak Medical Centre.
APPOINTMENTS & OPENING HOURS TMC2: For an appointment, ring: + 61 3 9826 0466
Opening hours:
8 am to 8 pm MONDAY to WEDNESDAY
8 am to 7 pm THURSDAY to FRIDAY
9 am to 5 pm SATURDAY
9 am to 5 pm SUNDAY walk-in and wait clinic OR Book Online (preferred) or call
Please note that as the clinic is open in the "after-hours" times, higher fees apply to these times
Online Doctors' appointment booking services:
Choose your own doctor and the length of your consultation - FLUCLINIC 5, SHORT 7, STANDARD 15, LONG 30 and PROLONGED 45 minutes duration
Toorak Medical Centre online services:
Click link to order prescriptions and referrals .
Toorak Medical Centre prescription request and Toorak Medical Centre referral request are available 24/7 but responses will be within business hours
TMC provides patient care 365 days per year and after-hours
TMC has carefully selected Doctor Doctor to provide a General Practitioner home visiting service and after hours emergency medical care to our patients, 365 days per year.
The service can be contacted by phone on 13 26 60
This service is available to regular registered patients of the practice by contacting Doctor Doctor on 13 26 60.:
This service is available to you to use :
Weekdays from 4pm until 8am the following day
from 10am on Saturday until 8am Monday
all day and night on public holidays
for more information click >Doctor Doctor frequently asked questions
Telephone: 03 9826 0466
Fax: 03 8652 7002
Phone: 03 9826 0466
Fax : 03 8652 7002
email: dr.<firstname>.<lastname>@toorakmedicalcentre.com.au
Dr Richard Smith
- Medical Director
email: Dr Richard M Smith
- Dorevitch Pathology Collection Centre
For directions click here
Call 03 9826 0466 to make an appointment for your blood test, ECG, or Holter monitor.
To contact the collection room directly, call - 04 3647 1499 at any time - and leave a message.
Altermatively you may email : TRMC.dorclinic@dorevitch.com.au Dorevitch Pathology at Toorak Medical Centre
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